Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Baby Food

So, it's been awhile since we were feeding Big Brother from store bought baby food jars.  How quickly one forgets the MESS of feeding a little tyke!  I didn't really give the food thing much thought with Big Brother (and he obviously survived and thrived) but this time around, in an effort to establish a 'new normal', I'm up for the challenge of making our own baby food more often than not.

Little B had his first 'solid' taste experience on February 1st (just shy of his 5 month anniversary).  We were going to start him sooner because he was expressing great interest in everything we were putting in our mouths and he was also waking up at night more to feed, but around that same time he contracted his first ear infection.  Knowing that Big B has an allergy to amoxicillin, I didn't want to start Little B on brand new foods while also taking a new-to-him medicine.  The amoxicillin went well with no allergic reaction (this time!) and once he was done, we began the adventures of the first foods!

After doing a decent amount of research on-line, we opted to try avocado and banana as Little Brother's first foods.  We just mushed them up and spoon fed him.  Rice cereal also went into the rotation and he seems to enjoy them all.  We added in squash last week and he also gobbled that right down.  Costco was selling pre-cut butternut squash, so all I had to do was boil it and run it through the blender.  Too bad I managed to pour burning hot squash all over my hand in the process ... lesson learned.  I'm thinking we'll be adding sweet potato and peas in the near future, with carrots and apples not too far behind.

Since we do not own a food processor and our blender appears to be inadequate and not working correctly, we did get a baby-food making system and so far I love it.   I spent about a half hour yesterday making batches of banana and avocado, putting them into containers, freezing a bunch, etc. I also am enjoying the price I paid for it (having done a lot of on-line price comparisons) thanks to Kohl's birthday cash and 30% off coupon they recently mailed to us.  We'll see how adventurous we get with this whole 'new normal' but so far it's off to a great start!


  1. The Baby Bullet :) It's really cute, too. I would like to get the sage spoonful recipe book.
